The consistent environmental orientation as well as the color variety are not only found in our company name; it is put into practice every day. For example, ENVIRAL® chromium-free aluminum pretreatment is characterized both by the absence of high-solvent paint systems and by an innovative wastewater concept that is free of industrial wastewater. Furthermore, the awards we have received through environmental certificates are a constant motivation to us for consistent awareness and action. Since 2019 ENVIRAL® has also been a member of the DGNB, the German Sustainable Building Council.

"We want to advise our customers to the best of our ecological knowledge. The aim is to find solutions for their specific requirements and wishes, to process orders quickly and professionally, and to point out alternatives. In addition, the process safety is to be guaranteed by permanent process monitorings," says ENVIRAL® managing director Rainer Rogovits.

Sizes, materials and weights


Exterior application

Interior application

Fine blasting

ENV 101 up to l = 6.5m x w = 0.8m x h = 1.8m; up to 250kg

Chromium-free pretreatment and powder coating:
acid mordant • rinsing with fully demineralized water • chromium-free pretreatment • drying • powder coating • curing

data sheet ENV 101

Industrial quality powder coating:

data sheet ENV 401

ENV 101 up to l = 7m x w = 1m x h = 2m; up to 2t

Chromium-free pretreatment and powder coating:
acid mordant • rinsing with fully demineralized water • chromium-free pretreatment • drying • powder coating • curing

data sheet ENV 101

Industrial quality powder coating:

data sheet ENV 401

ENV 102 larger l = 6.5m x w = 0.8m x h = 1.8m

Sweeping / fine blasting (data sheet ENV 700) • dedusting . annealing • ENVIRAL® curing primer (chromate substitute primer) • powder coating • curing

data sheet ENV 102

ENV 102 larger l = 7m x w = 1m x w = 2m

Sweeping / fine blasting and powder coating:

Sweeping / fine blasting (data sheet ENV 700) • dedusting • annealing • ENVIRAL curing primer (chromate substitute primer) • powder coating • curing

data sheet ENV 102

ENV 102 up to l = 13.6m x w = 2.5m x h = 4m; up to 3t

Sweeping / fine blasting (data sheet ENV 700) • dedusting • annealing • ENVIRAL® curing primer
(chromate substitute primer) • powder coating • curing

data sheet ENV 102  (DE)    data sheet ENV 102  (AT)

Large part powder coating with SmartCorr-P

data sheet ENV 204 (DE)  data sheet ENV 204 (AT)

ENV 102 up to l = 17.5m x w = 1m x h = 2m; up to 3t

Sweeping / fine blasting (data sheet ENV 700) • dedusting • annealing • ENVIRAL® curing primer
(chromate substitute primer) • powder coating • curing

data sheet ENV 102 (DE)   data sheet ENV 102 (AT)

Large part powder coating • according to system approval RVS 15.05.31

data sheet ENV 203a (AT)

Large part powder coating with SmartCorr-P

data sheet ENV 204 (DE)  data sheet ENV 204 (AT)

ENV 101 up to l = 6.5m x w = 0.8m x h = 1.8m; up to 250kg

Chromium-free pretreatment and powder coating:
acid mordant • rinsing with fully demineralized water • chromium-free pretreatment • drying • powder coating • curing

data sheet ENV 101

Industrial quality powder coating:

data sheet ENV 401

ENV 101 up to l = 7m x w = 1m x h = 2m; up to 2t

Chromium-free pretreatment and powder coating:
acid mordant • rinsing with fully demineralized water • chromium-free pretreatment • drying • powder coating • curing

data sheet ENV 101

Industrial quality powder coating:

data sheet ENV 401

ENV 102 up to l = 13.6m x w = 2.5m x h = 4m; up to 3t

Sweeping / fine blasting and powder coating:

Sweeping / fine blasting (data sheet ENV 700) • dedusting • annealing • powder coating • curing

data sheet ENV 102 (DE)  data sheet ENV 102 (AT)

ENV 102 up to l = 17.5m x w = 1m x h = 2m; up to 3t

Sweeping / fine blasting and powder coating:

Sweeping / fine blasting (data sheet ENV 700) • dedusting • annealing • powder coating • curing

data sheet ENV 102 (DE)  data sheet ENV 102 (AT)

ENV 700 up to l = 13.6m x w = 2.5m x h = 4m; up to 3t

Pressure blasting system:

  iron-free regular corundum, glass bead • flexible manual machining

data sheet ENV 700 (DE)  data sheet ENV 700 (AT)


Exterior application

Interior application


ENV 203 up to l = 13.6m x w = 2.5m x h = 4m; up to 3t

Blasting, ENVIRAL® curing primer and powder coating:

blasting (data sheet ENV 700) • dedusting • priming with ENVIRAL® curing primer • curing • powder coating • curing

data sheet ENV 203 (DE)  data sheet ENV 203 (AT)

Large part powder coating • according to system approval RVS 15.05.31

data sheet ENV 203a (AT)

Large part powder coating with SmartCorr-P

data sheet ENV 204 (DE)  data sheet ENV 204 (AT)

ENV 203 up to l = 17.5m x w = 1m x h = 2m; up to 3t

Blasting, ENVIRAL® curing primer and powder coating:

blasting (ENV 700 data sheet) • dedusting • priming with ENVIRAL® curing primer • curing • powder coating

data sheet ENV 203 (DE)  data sheet ENV 203 (AT)

Large part powder coating according to system approval RVS 15.05.31

data sheet ENV 203a (AT)

Large part powder coating with SmartCorr-P

data sheet ENV 204 (DE)  data sheet ENV 204 (AT)

ENV 201 up to l = 6.5m x w = 0.8m x h = 1.8m; up to 250kg

Phosphating and powder coating:

degreasing / phosphating • rinsing with fully demineralized water • drying • powder coating • curing

data sheet ENV 201

Powder coating in industrial quality:

data sheet ENV 401

ENV 201 up to l = 7m x w = 1m x h = 2m; up to 2t

Phosphating and powder coating:

degreasing / phosphating • rinsing with fully demineralized water • drying • powder coating • curing

data sheet ENV 201

Powder coating in industrial quality:

data sheet ENV 401

ENV 202 up to l = 13.6m x w = 2.5m x h = 4m; up to 3t

Blasting and powder coating:

blasting (cf. data sheet ENV 700) • dedusting • powder coating • curing

data sheet ENV 202 (DE)  data sheet ENV 202 (AT)

ENV 202 up to l = 17.5m x w = 1m x h = 2m; up to 3t

Blasting and powder coating:

blasting (cf. data sheet ENV 700) • dedusting • powder coating • curing

data sheet ENV 202 (DE)  data sheet ENV 202 (AT)

ENV 700 up to l = 13.6m x w = 2.5m x h = 4m; up to 3t


  • Pressure blasting system:
    • up to l = 13.6m x w = 2.5m x h = 4m
    • iron-free regular corundum 
    • flexible manual machining
  • Wheel blast system:
    • up to l = 17.5m x w = 1m x h = 2m
    • steel shot
    • automatic machining

data sheet ENV 700 (DE)  data sheet ENV 700 (AT)

ENV 700 up to l = 17.5m x w = 1m x h = 2m; up to 3t


  • Pressure blasting system:
    • up to l = 13.6m x w = 2.5m x h = 4m
    • up to l = 17.5m x w = 1m x h = 2m
    • iron-free regular corundum 
    • flexible manual machining
  • Wheel blast system:
    • up to l = 13m x b = 1m x h = 2m
    • up to l = 17.5m x b = 1m x h = 2m
    • steel shot
    • automatic machining

data sheet ENV 700 (DE)  data sheet ENV 700 (AT)

STEEL galvanized

Exterior application

Interior application

Sweeping / fine blasting

ENV 303 up to l = 6.5m x w = 0.8m x h = 1.8m; up to 250kg

Phosphating, ENVIRAL® curing primer and powder coating:

phosphating res. sweeping • priming with ENVIRAL® curing primer • curing • powder coating • curing

data sheet ENV 303

Industrial quality powder coating:

data sheet ENV 401

ENV 303 up to l = 7m x w = 1m x h = 2m; up to 2t

Phosphating, ENVIRAL® curing primer and powder coating:

phosphating res. sweeping • priming with ENVIRAL® curing primer • curing • powder coating • curing

data sheet ENV 303

Industrial quality powder coating:

data sheet ENV 401

ENV 304 up to l = 13.6m x w = 2.5m x h = 4m; up to 3t

Sweeping/fine blasting, ENVIRAL® curing primer and powder coating:

sweeping / fine blasting (data sheet ENV 700) • dedusting • priming with ENVIRAL® curing primer • curing • powder coating • curing

data sheet ENV 304 (DE)   data sheet ENV 304 (AT)

Large part powder coating • according to system approval RVS 15.05.31

data sheet ENV 304a (AT)

ENV 304 up to l = 17.5m x w = 1m x h = 2m; up to 3t

Sweeping/fine blasting, ENVIRAL® curing primer and powder coating:

sweeping / fine blasting (data sheet ENV 700) • dedusting • priming with ENVIRAL® curing primer • curing • powder coating • curing

data sheet ENV 304 (DE)   data sheet ENV 304 (AT)

Large part powder coating • according to system approval RVS 15.05.31

data sheet ENV 304a (AT)

ENV 301 up to l = 6.5m x w = 0.8m x h = 1.8m; up to 250kg

Phosphating and powder coating:

degreasing / phosphating • rinsing with fully demineralized water • drying • powder coating • curing

data sheet ENV 301

ENV 301 up to l = 7m x w = 1m x h = 2m; up to 2t

Phosphating and powder coating:

degreasing / phosphating • rinsing with fully demineralized water • drying • powder coating • curing

data sheet ENV 301

ENV 302 up to l = 13.6m x w = 2.5m x h = 4m; up to 3t

Sweeping/fine blasting and powder coating:

sweeping / fine blasting (data sheet ENV 700) • dedusting • powder coating • curing

data sheet ENV 302 (DE)   data sheet ENV 302 (AT)

ENV 302 up to l = 17.5m x w = 1m x h = 2m; up to 3t

Sweeping/fine blasting and powder coating:

sweeping / fine blasting (data sheet ENV 700) • dedusting • powder coating • curing

data sheet ENV 302 (DE)   data sheet ENV 302 (AT)

ENV 700 up to l = 13.6m x w = 2.5m x h = 4m; up to 3t

Pressure blasting system I:

 iron-free regular corundum • flexible manual machining

data sheet ENV 700 (DE)   data sheet ENV 700 (AT)

ENV 700 up to l = 17.5m x w = 1m x l = 2m; up to 3t

Wheel blast system (steel shot)

data sheet ENV 700 (DE)   data sheet ENV 700 (AT)


Exterior application

Interior application


ENV 203 up to l = 13.6m x w = 2.5m x h = 4m; up to 3t

Blasting, ENVIRAL® curing primer and powder coating:

blasting (data sheet ENV 700) • dedusting • priming with ENVIRAL® curing primer • curing • powder coating • curing

data sheet ENV 203 (DE)   data sheet ENV 203 (AT)

Large part powder coating with SmartCorr-P

data sheet ENV 204 (DE)   data sheet ENV 204 (AT)

ENV 203 up to l = 17.5m x w = 1m x h = 2m; up to 3t

Blasting, ENVIRAL® curing primer and powder coating:

blasting (data sheet ENV 700) • dedusting • priming with ENVIRAL® curing primer • curing • powder coating • curing

data sheet ENV 203 (DE)   data sheet ENV 203 (AT)

Large part powder coating with SmartCorr-P

data sheet ENV 204 (DE)   data sheet ENV 204 (AT)

ENV 201 up to l = 6.5m x w = 0.8m x h = 1.8m; up to 250kg

Phosphating and powder coating:

degreasing / phosphating • rinsing with fully demineralized water • drying • powder coating • curing

data sheet ENV 201

ENV 201 up to l = 7m x w = 1m x h = 2m; up to 2t

Phosphating and powder coating:

degreasing / phosphating • rinsing with fully demineralized water • drying • powder coating • curing

data sheet ENV 201

ENV 202 up to l = 13.6m x w = 2.5m x h = 4m; up to 3t

Blasting and powder coating:

blasting (see ENV 700 data sheet) • dedusting • powder coating • curing

data sheet ENV 202 (DE)   data sheet ENV 202 (AT)

ENV 202 up to l = 17.5m x w = 1m x h = 2m; up to 3t

Blasting and powder coating:

blasting (see ENV 700 data sheet) • dedusting • powder coating • curing

data sheet ENV 202 (DE)   data sheet ENV 202 (AT)

ENV 700 up to l = 7m x w = 2.3m x h = 3.3m; up to 1t

Glass bead blasting:

  • Pressure blasting system:
    • Blasting with glass bead is possible up to l = 7m x w = 2.3m x h = 3.3m; upt to 1t
    • flexible manual machining
    • achieving flat, satin-finished, visually very appealing surfaces
    • Note: slight damage and tarnish areas, e.g. caused by welding of the parts
      cannot be removed by glass bead blasting

data sheet ENV 700

ENV 700 up to l = 13.6m x w = 2.5m x h = 4m; up to 3t

Pressur blasting with corundum:

  • Pressure blasting system:
    • Pressure-corundum-mixture is coated via pressure blasting onto the parts leading to removal
    • Blasting with glass bead for stainless steel also is possible after request
    • flexible manual machining
    • Fine blasting / sweeping is possible (variable pressure between 2 and 6 bar)
    • Blasting material over magnetic separator
    • Note: slight damage and tarnish areas, e.g. caused by welding of the parts
      cannot be removed by glass bead blasting

data sheet ENV 700 (DE)   data sheet ENV 700 (AT)

ENV 700 up to l = 17.5m x w = 1m x h = 2m; up to 3t (after request)

Pressur blasting with glass bead:

  • Pressure blasting system:
    • Blasting of stainless steel up to 17.5m x 1m x 2m up to 3t is possible with glass bead after specific request
    • flexible manual machining
    • achieving flat, satin-finished, visually very appealing surfaces
    • Note: slight damage and tarnish areas, e.g. caused by welding of the parts
      cannot be removed by glass bead blasting

data sheet ENV 700 (DE)   data sheet ENV 700 (AT)


Interior application


ENV 501 up to l = 3.5m x w = 2m x s = 10mm; up to 500kg

(theoretically up to l = 13m x w = 3.6m x s = 10mm)

Chemical and gaseous pretreatment and powder coating:

cleaning • covering of the visible surfaces ( if requested also of the edges) • flame treatment with special gas mixture • thin layer adhesion primer • powder coating • curing • alternatively: metallic effect as 2nd layer (possible for every basic color)

data sheet ENV 501 (DE)   data sheet ENV 501 (AT)

up to l = 3.5m x w = 2m x s = 10mm

(theoretically up to l = 13m x w = 3.6m x s = 10mm)

frosting of glass using glass bead blasting

For more information please call us in Germany at +49 (0) 33843 643-0

... and in Austria at +43 (0) 2626 50074


Tube grinding

up to l = 15m x d = 250mm

Tube grinding for round, conical, cylindrical and cylindrically offset poles made of steel, galvanized steel and stainless steel

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